Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fourth Cast

Adults should not break bones!!! I do not recommend this sorry experience at all. I am now on my fourth cast, but, fingers crossed this one might last the next three weeks. For some reason, other than the fact that I am weird as my DH so eloquently puts it, my hands swell up when they get hot especially at night. Imagine what happens when it tries to swell up when it is in a cast. not fun. hence the forth cast which is loose and would not win any prizes for esthetic value, but it does allow my poor hand to swell up.!! I usually have the philosophy that everything happens for a reason and something good always comes out of such misfortune..... well i am still looking for the good on this broken wrist escapade!!! There was a young guy in the fracture clinic yesterday, he was 20, and has broken both heel bones. He faces 8 weeks off his feet, surgery, and is guaranteed arthritis at an early age due to the damage. Sort of put my wrist into perspective, as all things considered this`is expected to heal fully, but might take a few months and i am sure a few doses of naproxen!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Over the last two years I have been involved in ATCs, our web home is Although I have only met one of my arty friends in person ANg, I feel I have made a lot of friends around the world through this medium. One if these friends is LisaB, or Queen Lisa to some of us! Not only is she an amazing artist, but she is an amazing person, very caring and funny. Earlier this year her darling husband AC was diagnosed with leukemia, and despite the efforts of the docs he lost his battle this last weekend. From Lisa's posts we felt we knew him just a little bit, they were soul mates and loved each other very much. My heart breaks for her.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

August already!

My but the years go fast these days!!! I managed to do some playing this week with the watercolours, and an hoping to refine at least one into a postcard! At least having bought some 140 lb paper it is not buckling as much, but i really do need more practice. I am thinking of looking for a watercolour beginners class in the fall, that would help immensely!!! tried drawing too but the paper wont stay still!!!!