Well as usual my design intentions took a left hand turn during the creation process!! I think this is why I don't plan things out too rigidly! In the end this page turned out better than my original idea !!! I never have any trouble with Autumn as a theme as I love the colours and it is my favourite season!!
Hi I actually stumbled upon your site will look for my own website in google. I really like the stuff you make, but something I don't understand. What is a swap? Are these projects for someone else or is it purely for yourself? Anyway keep up the good work fuzzy fibers comrade! :). Check out my site too, they are not my own designs but I would like to hear what you think about it. fuzzy fibers shirts I sell mostly artistic shirts from asia. Some other t-shirts too. Jessica
I actually stumbled upon tour site while looking for my own site in google.. sorry..:)
arrggh Your site.. sorry again. I think I just polluted your blog...:(
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